Neutrality or inequality: reconciling constitutional principles of free expression and equality

Neutrality or inequality: reconciling constitutional principles of free expression and equality - 16 janvier 2019

The 14/01/2019

Le Talk du mercredi : Un regard différent sur le monde

Neutrality or inequality : reconciling constitutional principles of free expression and equality

Lia EPPERSON, Professor of Law and former senior associate Dean for Faculty and Academic affairs, American University, Washington college of Law

"Unlike the laws of many other nations, the U.S. Constitution upholds the right of individuals to speak and express themselves freely without censure from the government, even when that speech may be hateful..."

Legal doctrine relating to the U.S Constitution’s First Amendment emphasizes a principle of neutrality, allowing even the most rancorous speech that is harmful to the body politic. 

Since the campaign and election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, elements of overt racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia are on the rise.

These phenomena deeply infect the U.S. body politic and highlight a constitutional crisis—the competing principles of free expression and equality.

Lia EPPERSON will discuss the challenges of reconciling these legal principles in an increasingly diverse world.

Infos pratiques

Date : mercredi 16 janvier 2019, de 13h15 à 14h15

Lieu : amphi Prunier de l'ENTPE

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