Transport planning in the UK

Transport planning in the UK - 24 octobre 2018

The 24/10/2018

Le Talk du mercredi : Un regard différent sur le monde

Transport planning in the UK

Tim MORTON, director of the UK professional body for transport planners, the Transport Planning Society

Tim qualified as a civil engineer and then devoted his career to his life-long interest in transport.

He worked for 40 years as a transport planner with two firms of UK consultants.

He is now retired and is a Director of the UK professional body for transport planners, the Transport Planning Society.

His transport planning work covered all the land-based modes - highways, traffic, parking, cycling, walking, railways, light rail and buses - frequently working in association with economists, planners, environmentalists and other related professions. Most of his work was in the UK but he also worked in Canada, Australia, Malawi (Africa), Venezuela, Turkey and Singapore. He was involved in developing one of the early proposals for the Channel Tunnel between England and France. 

Conférence en anglais.

Infos pratiques

Date : mercredi 24 octobre 2018, de 13h15 à 14h15

Lieu : amphi Prunier de l'ENTPE

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