Structure et organisation

Structure and organization

Date de la dernière mise à jour : 08/11/2019

Research at ENTPE forms part of that of the Lyon Saint-Etienne site and is carried out almost entirely within the site’s mixed research teams (UMR)*, pooling the School’s resources with those of the sites other institutions: ECL, INSA, ENISE, Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3 and Saint Etienne Universities, LYON ENS, CNRS and IFSTTAR.

This joint organization is a source of exchange, cross-fertilization, and efficiency and is also reflected in the original themes addressed by the School’s teams.

UMR EVS (Environment, City, Society; the ENTPE part of RIVES): urban studies, from the point of view of urban planning, sociology, political science and, in particular:

  • Spatial planning policies and sustainability
  • Risks and security in urban environments
  • Urban living practices and representations

UMR LAET (Transport, Urban Planning and Economics Laboratory): transportation studies from the point of view of urban planning, sociology, political science and, in particular:

  • New knowledge about mobility
  • Land mobility interactions
  • Regulation, competition, performance, incentives, assessment

UMR LICIT (Transport and Traffic engineering Laboratory): transportation studies, from the point of view of engineering sciences, information and communication sciences and, in particular:

  • Multi-scale traffic analysis and modelling
  • Modelling and tools for intelligent mobility

LGCB (UNTPE Unit - Building and Civil Engineering Laboratory) and UMR LTDS (Tribology and System Dynamics Laboratory): materials, construction and systems engineering, from the point of view of engineering sciences, and in particular:

  • Geomaterials and sustainable construction
  • Dynamics of complex systems
  • Physical and perceptive analysis of built spaces and their environments

UMR LEHNA (Natural and Anthropic Hydrosystems Ecology Laboratory), part of ENTPE Impact of pollutants on ecosystems: environmental studies, and in particular:

  • Characterization and modelling of transfers of pollutants in soils and sediments
  • Assessment of ecotoxicological risks on ecosystems

‘Intelligence of Urban Worlds” and “Lyon Acoustics Centre” laboratories of excellence, “Lyon Urban School” convergence institute, “H2O LYON” university research school: the ENTPE research teams form part of these major organizations harnessing the excellence of the Lyon teams in the field and providing them with the means to develop projects and appeal.

The significant involvement of the School’s teams in the Region’s competitive clusters and hubs (CARA, TENERRDIS, AXELERA, INDURA, LUMIERE, etc.) has forged great openness towards economic players and local authorities.

*UMR: Unité mixte de recherche (mixed research unit) with the CNRS, IFSTTAR and the site’s schools and universities